Hinduism Mythology

                                                      WORKS CITED PAGE

Leeming, David Adams. The world of myth. Ney York: Oxford University Press, 1990.

Patel, Sanjay. The little Book of Hindu deities. United States of America: Penguin Books, 2006.

Radice, Betty. Hindu Myths. United States of America: Penguin Books: Penguin books, 1975.

Williams, George M. Handbook of Hindu Mythology. Sanat Barbara: ABC CLIO, 1967.

One of very useful web sources that can be used is Internet Sacred Text Archive. The website organized in a way of grouping all  sacred texts from mythology of different countries including India. Also the website have category under topics such as religion, bibliography, book. For easiness of usage the have site catalog index  of sacred texts  where you can find sacred texts of Rig Veda book, actually whole texts. Why Vedas? Because Vedas is the primary text of Hinduism. You can search by author, title and subject. Texts of Rig Veda in complete English translation and Sanskrit. In Rig Veda book you will find myths from creation until destruction.  An addition they have information about Hindu Epic where you can read about cultural hero Rama in Ramayana national epic of India. This website has online books with detailed description gods and goddess which is very helpful.